错误详细描述: An exception occurred that is explained in detail below.
The exception, which is assigned to class 'CX_SY_READ_SRC_LINE_TOO_LONG', was not caught in procedure "K_KKB_FIELDCAT_MERGE" "(FUNCTION)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause. Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated that the exception would occur, the current program is terminated. The reason for the exception is: There was an attempt to read program "Z1S01R001" from the database. The READ REPORT statement allows you to copy a program text into an internal table. The occupied line length in the program text must not exceed the width of the internal table. The internal table "\FUNCTION=K_KKB_FIELDCAT_MERGE\DATA=L_ABAP_SOURCE[]" is 72 characters wide. The program line is 93 characters wide。 今天写个ABAP程序,一运行就荡掉,刚开始也没仔细看出错提示,以为是自己的代码写的问题,最后才搞懂,唉,原来是SAP系统不允许书写的代码长度超过72个字符,我的注释行的字符数太多了,导致了荡掉,唉,把长度很长的代码行,包括注释行,都变成72个字符以内后,就OK啦。